Saturday 21 January 2017

The Vicious Flower

I started a post natal wellbeing group 2 weeks ago. The group is run by a health visitor, a CBT Therapist and a Psychological Wellbeing Practitioner (PWP). There are 10 ladies at the group with babies of various ages (3 months to 19 months).
Our 2nd session was to assist us to recognise what feelings, symptoms and thoughts we have that are due to our PND and or/ postnatal anxiety and also what predisposed us to getting PND.
To aid us with this we had to draw it out in the former of a flower.
Here is my personal flower

So to explain my flower:
The soil shows those things that were there before pregnancy,  early life experiences,  personality etc.
The leaves are those things that happened during pregnancy, birth and post-birth.
The stem symbolises the path that those things took to create the flower.
At the centre of the flower is the problem
And finally the petals are my actions, thoughts and feelings.

Obviously this flower is different for everyone, but it is used to allow me to understand, acknowledge and recognise my journey.
I guess the next step in this model is to work on gradually picking the petals off the flower. I can't change my early experiences, nor my traumatic birth and our initial journey but I can change my present and future. And I seriously intend on doing so.

Wednesday 18 January 2017

Me time

Following a self referral, after advice from my health visitor and a couple of months on the waiting list I have just begun a Postnatal Wellbeing group. It is organised by Healthy Minds and has three lovely heath professionals running it; a Health Visitor, a CBT Therapist and a Psychological Wellbeing Practitioner (PWP). My first session was a week last Tuesday, they run for 10 weeks and additionally have a session for partners to go to, without us women, to learn more about PND and how best to support us. This, I feel, will hopefully be incredibly beneficial for the whole family. I’ve only been to 2 sessions so far so have not yet seen any associated changed but I will blog my experience as the group progresses.

My work have been wonderfully supportive and have allowed me to book every Tuesday morning off as annual leave to attend the group.  Last week I decided that being as I didn’t know what to expect or how I would be feeling after the group, I would book the entire day off. This was a brilliant decision. Not because I was emotionally unsettled after the session, in fact I was surprisingly clear headed and emotionally stable, but because I literally never get any me time and I this was a prime opportunity. A very rare treat! My son was in nursery so I could get the most out of the first group session without worrying about him and then I had the entire afternoon to myself, to do anything I wanted, and it was amazing!

My car was in the garage being fixed so I was limited as to what I could do but that didn’t matter, I had time to myself. I received a generous amount of credit to spend in New look from various people for my 30th birthday last month and I never treat myself. So I decided that my afternoon would involve some “free” retail therapy. Along with New Look I relaxed in a coffee shop ordering some lunch and a hot chocolate, met with my sister to buy crafty bits (an old hobby of mine) so that we can hand-make her wedding invitations and I also treated myself to some work shoes because my old ones were literally falling apart. In total I spent about 5 hours in town and actually didn’t spend much money. I was able to casually try on all my New Look items without having to entertain a toddler throughout, I could enjoy a hot drink without my munchkin reaching for it and I was able to have some head space.

My PND meant that although I stayed active and social in some aspects, I was isolating myself more and I wouldn’t allow anyone else to look after my son. I was my own worst enemy "working" 24/7 with minimal sleep but I felt it was my job, guilty at the thought of leaving him with anyone else, worried if I accepted help that it was admitting to myself and others that I wasn't coping. I can literally count on one hand the number of days that I have had to myself in the last 14 and a half months. But this was the first time that I have done so without feeling guilty and it truly felt liberating. A much needed day off. Essential me time.

Tuesday 3 January 2017

We do not learn from experience, we learn from reflecting on our experience

Happy New Year! How is it 2017?! Where did 2016 go?! For me it past by in a blur of anxiety, exhaustion, tears, laughter, and unconditional love. It was probably one of the toughest but also the best year of my life.

The year ended well after another challenging month. December saw a fantastic and exciting Christmas.  My son enjoyed ripping open presents and playing with his new toys on Christmas day, he took pleasure in removing the tree decorations and lights repeatedly, eating his first Christmas dinner with family.
But the month was also difficult at times. My bubba had 1 paramedic call out and 3 trips to A&E for breathing problems that required steroids,  nebulisers, inhalers and antibiotics for 3 different chest problems. A poorly boy results in a significant increase in my anxiety. I slept on his bedroom floor for over a week because I was so worried about him and that resulted in further sleep deprivation. He was so unwell. Unfortunately the whole situation was made worse by this all occurring over my birthday period. I had a large party planned; hall, dj, fancy dress, buffet, the whole package, to celebrate turning 30. It cost a fair few pounds and I had family and friends travelling from all over the country and even further afield. It had taken a great deal of planning and my other half had spent weeks making his outfit.
The chest problems and hospital trips started a couple of days prior to the party. On the day of the party, with several friends getting ready and helping with the catering in my little house, my son started to have trouble breathing. My friend and I got him down to our local A&E where they were worried enough about him to sit us right by the nurses station for observation rather than the waiting room as it was busy and they had no beds available. As they set up the first nebuliser, once in a room, I was told by one of the medical team 'I don't think you are going to be going to your party'. My other half came and took over from me to ensure I could go to my own party but I was worrying all evening about them and I was sad that I didn't have my 2 favourite people with me celebrating.
There were positives though, my son was discharged at 3 am that night and is now significantly better but also all the other important people in my life had made massive efforts to celebrate with me, and some of those people had stepped in and helped with the cooking and setting up the hall. True friends who I am incredibly thankful to have in my life.

Anyway, fast forward a couple of weeks to NYE. I got to see the new year in with my other half and gorgeous son plus our amazing next door neighbours.  It was a thoroughly enjoyable night. Prior to our fantastic evening though I woke up on New Year's Eve feeling grateful, I reflected on 2016 and yes it had some low moments, many due to Postnatal Depression and all the others contributing to Postnatal Depression but I truly feel so much more positive and I am coping with every thing that life is throwing at me. I think all those low moments have shaped me, made me a stronger person and a better mother. I am grateful for my amazingly supportive family and friends, for my competent GP who got me the help I needed, the health visitors who got my little boy sleeping more, for my understanding work colleagues who were happy with my decision to extend my maternity leave and who are allowing me to take time off for the next 8 weeks to attend a Postnatal Well-Being group. I am also grateful to all my readers who have publicly and privately sent me messages of support and kindness in response to my blog. It took a significant amount of courage for me to publish my 1st post but I am immensely pleased and proud of my myself for doing so, it was one of the greatest steps I have taken in my recovery.

I am heading into 2017 feeling incredibly positive, healthy, thankful and full of love. I have a great feeling about the coming year.