Saturday 21 January 2017

The Vicious Flower

I started a post natal wellbeing group 2 weeks ago. The group is run by a health visitor, a CBT Therapist and a Psychological Wellbeing Practitioner (PWP). There are 10 ladies at the group with babies of various ages (3 months to 19 months).
Our 2nd session was to assist us to recognise what feelings, symptoms and thoughts we have that are due to our PND and or/ postnatal anxiety and also what predisposed us to getting PND.
To aid us with this we had to draw it out in the former of a flower.
Here is my personal flower

So to explain my flower:
The soil shows those things that were there before pregnancy,  early life experiences,  personality etc.
The leaves are those things that happened during pregnancy, birth and post-birth.
The stem symbolises the path that those things took to create the flower.
At the centre of the flower is the problem
And finally the petals are my actions, thoughts and feelings.

Obviously this flower is different for everyone, but it is used to allow me to understand, acknowledge and recognise my journey.
I guess the next step in this model is to work on gradually picking the petals off the flower. I can't change my early experiences, nor my traumatic birth and our initial journey but I can change my present and future. And I seriously intend on doing so.

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