Monday 10 October 2016

Pleasantly overwhelmed by love and support

I wrote my 'Postnatal depression' post over a week ago and it took me that long to find the courage to share it with my partner and mother.  They both read the post and encouraged me to share my blog with my Facebook friends. So I did, last night, and that was a massive step for me.

Within minutes of sharing my blog, friends from all areas of my life started commenting. I nervously clicked to read the first comment and whilst I was reading, more comments appeared and my phone started bleeping next to me.
All the comments I have received are full of acknowledgement, understanding, positivity, support and love. Numerous people surprised as I 'hid it well', several shared their own experience of depression, postnatal depression and anxiety with me and many felt that my blog could help many other women in my position, which I really hope it does.

Thank you so much for all the support I have received so far, it really does mean a great deal to me and will definitely contribute to my recovery. It has inspired me to continue blogging my ongoing experience with postnatal depression.

Link to my Postnatal depression post

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